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Message   Jas Hud    Nick Andre   Re: RE: BBS Support Forum   March 28, 2024
 8:42 PM *  

  To: Nick Andre
  Re: Re: RE: BBS Support Forum
  By: Nick Andre to Jas Hud on Thu Mar 28 2024 02:55 pm

 > From Newsgroup:
 > On 27 Mar 24  23:19:14, Jas Hud said the following to Nick Andre:
 > JH> I'll be looking forward to all the support you give his forum :D
 > I may not participate in his forum but he is more than welcome to use my
 > hosting services anytime.

no no no.  you need to provide your knowledge and input. that's what he needs.
Your hosting services aren't as useful as you think. It may be a big deal in
canada but not everywhere else.

 > You should know that pretty much every Net or BBS you pollute uses my
 > services to some degree, or has me involved at some level, all documented,

Good for you. At one time almost everyone was using my services and a large
amount of those people that are connected to you are derived from my help over
the years with running a bbs and setting up ftn. Nobody cares. And people come
and go.

How about helping this guy with his forum? Share your knowledge and insight.

Also,  you act like i'm an active bbs user. that's laughable.
No bbses are worth calling. AND I post on 2 nets.

 > Maybe we can take this to Netmail if you can figure out how to send one?
 > Nick

What for? Do you have the delusion that i enjoy talking to you?
Keep enjoying taking your little shots at me. I'm sure it makes your little dick

Sorry for hurting your feelings years ago, nick!  I don't know what I did but
whatever it did must have had you crying all night to act like this.
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