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Message   Mike Powell    JAS HUD   ai sucks   March 28, 2024
 8:45 AM *  

> i know i talked about this at another net that totally hates having me there,
> t how do you guys feel about AI?

> Every day i see something disturbing.
> People ask for help on reddit or a forum or quora and someone spews chatgpt
> crap as an answer.
> I don't really see this bearing fruit so far. I know that these ai companies a
>  scraping the net, scraping youtube and getting any information it can on us.
> ventually it WILL be effective.  It's going to be a frankenstein's monster.

I think it could be dangerous in the long (and even short) run.  As you
point out, many of the ai engines are scraping the net, which means they
are probably getting some good data and a whole lot of noise.  Soon, they
will be just as good at spewing out misinformation as any human could
imagine to be.

It is hard enough to get a good answer out of a group of people.  Throwing
ai in there to pool a lot of information (good and bad) to spew out answers
won't help.


 * SLMR 2.1a * It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.
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