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Message   Jas Hud    apam   ai sucks   March 28, 2024
 5:08 AM *  

  To: apam
  Re: ai sucks
  By: apam to Jas Hud on Thu Mar 28 2024 06:45 pm

 > From Newsgroup:
 >  > i know i talked about this at another net that totally hates having me
 >  > there, but how do you guys feel about AI?
 > I don't like it.
 > Andrew

"Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most fascinating and debated
technological breakthroughs of our time. While some express concerns about its
potential impact, there are compelling reasons why we shouldn't be afraid:

Adaptation to Humans: Unlike traditional technologies, AI adapts to us rather
than the other way around. It creates new ways of interacting with computers
that feel seamless and natural. For instance, when your Nest thermostat adjusts
the temperature or your phone autocorrects grammar, that's AI at work. It's
about making technology more intuitive and user-friendly.

Solving Complex Problems: AI has the power to address vexing global challenges.
From improving communication to tackling energy, climate, healthcare, and
transportation issues, AI can make a significant positive impact. Its ability to
process vast amounts of data, especially with cloud computing, enables solutions
that were previously unimaginable.

No Intentions or Ambitions: AI lacks intentions, free will, or self-interest. It
operates based on statistical analysis and logical rules. Unlike humans, it
doesn't deceive, lie, or harbor ambitions. In essence, AI is not intelligent in
the same way we are, and its limitations prevent it from being a cause for undue

Transformational Potential: The real magic of AI lies in its adaptability to
people. As it continues to evolve, it will profoundly transform how we live,
work, and interact. Rather than fearing it, we should embrace the possibilities
it offers.

In summary, AI isn't a mysterious force to be feared; it's a tool that can
enhance our lives and address critical global challenges 123. Let's approach it
with curiosity and optimism! "

I asked ai if we should be afraid of AI.

HAW!  now i'm even more afraid of it.
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