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Message   Michael Selhof    Jas Hud   Re: BBS Support Forum   March 27, 2024
 7:42 AM *  

On 26.03.2024 20:23, Jas Hud wrote to Michael Selhof:

-> -> -> -> -> -> ->   To: Michael Selhof
->   Re: Re: BBS Support Forum
->   By: Michael Selhof to Jas Hud on Tue Mar 26 2024 06:58 am
->  > Maybe you remember, I've lost everything, which were created the two weeks
->  > before
->  > about 10/12 days ago. So the last days, beside my normal work and family
->  > life, were characterized by having to completely reinstall the forum
->  > because no backup
->  > were present, too. And of course that set me back. And new things also
->  > time to grow. Every Sysop knows that, too. And nobody couldn't tell me,
->  > a BBS is finally created/filled within 3 or 4 weeks (The time after I
->  > the commercial Forum Software).
->  >
-> So you want everyone to use your system, yet you don't back things up and
-> somehow had an issue where you lost everything?
-> You want everyone to put all their hard work and effort into a service you
-> provide, and you can not protect it for even a short time?
->  > But I thought our points of view had already been exchanged? And your
->  > decicion stays.
->  > And that's absolutly ok for me! We are living in a democracy.
-> yeah i can understand how you do not want to talk about this with me.
-> --- Synchronet 3.19b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
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->  * Origin: * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)

Dear Jason

I would phrase it differently. I would have liked support from Sysop's for this
It would have simplified things and put the quality of the forum on another

And yes, I made the mistake of thinking about a backup too late. 
My fault, no ifs or buts!

In the contruction phase it happens, that you do the whole day things, and
the important backup.

And why I think that everything was actually written by both of us is because of

your aggressive writing, which in my opinion is no longer effective!

The discussion is one thing. Accusations, pointing fingers at others who
actually want 
to do something good for the cause, in my eyes, is the other.

All because I friently asked for support for this project. 
I have presented my reasons, I hope objectively, and I've got reasons why 
there will be no support from the reading Sysop's. I accepted that too!

I'm always open for a factual, constructive discussion about the topic BBS'ing!
Or sense or nonsense of a forum to this topic. 
But your accusations have taken on a quality that makes further discussion
extremely difficult. And so I think everything has been said/written. It's

Have a nice day Jason


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