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Message   Jas Hud    August Abolins   BBS Support Forum   March 25, 2024
 7:05 PM *  

  To: August Abolins
  Re: BBS Support Forum
  By: August Abolins to Jas Hud on Mon Mar 25 2024 05:20 pm

 >  JH> that's the real issue.  people prefer facebook, snapchat,
 >  JH> instagram, shit like that.
 > Reviewing the messages of Michael S, it appears that his focus
 > is for sysops, not users.  My bad.

There's no difference.  sysops are the users now.
and we're all people. there's reasons why these online services
are popular.

 > He wants to round up sysops that use a variety of bbs software
 > and have a central one-stop-fits-all place for sysops to share
 > stories and information.  Hence, "Support Forum".

Yeah i've heard him talk about it several times.  we already have like 5 of
those sites that people don't really utilize anymore.

People like to paint me as a negative nancy but pretty much nobody else has
put more time and money into getting people interested in bbsing and getting
old bbsers back into the hobby for 20+ years.

The fact is, people go with what they like.

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