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Message   Michael Selhof    August Abolins   RE: BBS Support Forum   March 25, 2024
 12:07 AM *  

On 24.03.2024 10:45, August Abolins wrote to Michael Selhof:

-> -> -> -> -> Hello Michael Selhof!
-> ** On Saturday 23.03.24 - 22:34, Michael Selhof wrote to Ross Branham:
->  MS> Thank you for your answer! I agree with that! But most of
->  MS> the young user don�t know the nets, or BBS. They know www
->  MS> and forum�s.
-> Then print and distribute QR codes + info at physical bulletin  
-> boards (usually found at post offies, grocery stores,  
-> laundromats) ..that will attract potential people to what  
-> BBSings is, and where they can get all the necessary tools,  
-> specifically the telnet/interface apps they need, to get  
-> started.
-> Many BBSes already have "home" webpages that provide that for  
-> the curious.
-> But, I think the key in all of that is how to convince the  
-> curious visitor WHY they need to experience BBSing.
->  MS> So my way is to present a plattform for this in german and
->  MS> english language. Because here in germany the scene is
->  MS> small.
-> Again.. marketing. The scene will remain small if people don't  
-> know that the BBSing experience exists and can fulfill a need.
-> But.. will a new generation of smartphone users be happy with a  
-> solution like this:
-> I dunno.   :D
->  MS> But I love this hobby (bbs�ing), many of you, too! I wanna
->  MS> show interested people how great, beautiful and
->  MS> interesting this Hobby can be.
-> How about a gallery of BBS welcome screens, a list of offerings  
-> on those BBSes, etc?  SBBS-listings and TelnetBBSguide and  
-> IPTIA have various implementations of that already.
-> -- 
->   ../|ug
-> --- OpenXP 5.0.58
->  * Origin: The LOOK of MicroNET (618:250/1.9)


Yep.... Marketing is a good approach if you are living in a big city. Everybody
if he lives in the country with 300 population, that this try quickly reaches to
the end.

In that Area I'm living... small Village.

But we are now reachable worldwide. And the time of handouts are gone.

Maybe that is old-school, too. I don't know... In the 90's popular Boards were
well attended and you often had to wait forever for the connection to this BBS.
Maybe the older of us remember that time? Yep... old school!

But today it is similar. Good web pages (in this case a forum) could be also
very well
attended. I think the time hasn't changed for this!

So and I repeat me again. It's up to you to take a look on it and it is your
to support it with your often big knowledge. Or you ignore it.

Everybody is welcomed to be a part of it. Presenting your BBS in an own thread,
where every sysop can present their system in the best possible and viewable
Dual language, cause in the hope that the german speaking areas get noticed,

And when many Sysop's do it in the same way, the forum get's popular. If the
forum is popular, other people will find this and in my eyes this could bring
things full circle.




--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
 * Origin: Global Chaos BBS, The Home of the Nets and Files (618:500/64)
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