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Message   Michael Selhof    Mike Powell   Re: BBS Support Forum   March 24, 2024
 11:39 PM *  

On 24.03.2024 09:31, Mike Powell wrote to Michael Selhof:

-> -> -> -> -> -> -> > Basically, it's about bringing your knowledge from all
the individual news
-> net
-> > rks back to one point. I cannot add your knowledge into it! In my opinion,
-> > u like, it is a knowledge investment for future Sysop's, also for
-> German-speak
-> > g countries. We wouldn't be here if we didn't enjoy this hobby.
-> If you are trying to reach new users, or former BBS users who may think
-> that BBSes are "gone," then it makes sense to do so outside of the BBS
-> community.  Otherwise the target audience won't likely ever find the
-> information.
-> Mike
->  * SLMR 2.1a * "Bother", said Pooh, as he put on his asbestos suit.
-> --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
->  * Origin: * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)

Dear Mike, or Hello :-)

Younger people mostly don't know what a BBS, Telnet, Fidonet is. If nobody of
friends/parents have this hobby it will be hard to reach them. WWW and Discord
know. But most of them don't know, that are BBS themes on Discord, too. They are
using mostly their browser to surf into the internet.

My childs are looking at me with big eyes as I told them.. Daddy is opening a
They are 27, 24 and 19 and playing most of the day Online!

So the www remains as a possible starting point for this hobby. (my pers.

And here could be the possible approach!


--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
 * Origin: Global Chaos BBS, The Home of the Nets and Files (618:500/64)
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