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Message   Michael Selhof    Ross Branham   Re: BBS Support Forum   March 24, 2024
 11:28 PM *  

On 24.03.2024 09:48, Ross Branham wrote to Michael Selhof:

-> -> -> -> ->  MS> Thank you for your answer! I agree with that! But most of
the young user 
->  MS> don�t know the nets, or BBS. They know www and forum�s.
->  MS> So my way is to present a plattform for this in german and english
->  MS> language. Because here in germany the scene is small.
->  MS> But good will from my side isn�t enough to fill this Forum with life,
->  MS> knowledge
->  MS> 
->  MS> and expierience! But� what do you invest? A little time and your big 
->  MS> Knowledge! Not more, but also not less! It is always easier to say
->  MS> things  dead. And�. it is right.. Nobody said to me, do this.
->  MS> 
->  MS> But I love this hobby (bbs�ing), many of you, too! I wanna show
->  MS> interested  people how great, beautiful and interesting this Hobby can
->  MS> be.
->  MS> 
->  MS> That�s my goal!
-> Hi Mike,
-> You make some valid points. Any avenue to get people to use BBSes is a good
-> one, especially with the younger generation. I'm a bit old school when it
-> to certain thing about BBSing. 
-> I think is a good thing that your are putting an effort into getting people
-> BBSing and I'm not against it. I particpate in a few internet forums on
-> Discord. Most of them are mainly sysops exchanging information and ideas that
-> can be discussed on the BBS forums. Discord has it's plus's, mainly much
-> quicker interaction with photos and files which I think is the plus. So I
-> know if we are gaining many new BBS users with it. But at the same time I
-> it can't hurt to try. 
-> So, hopefully your forum will get some new people to check out some BBSes.
-> -=Cozmo=-
-> ... Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.
-> --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
->  * Origin: Lunatics Unleashed (618:100/42)

Dear Ross

If I had a crystal ball, I probably wouldn't have created the forum, or I would
done it sooner. Nobody knows at the beginning whether a commitment is worth it

I also see an advantage of Discord, which is why I also have the interface to it
in my forum. Unfortunately only in the direction of my forum to -> Discord!

But there aren't many forums that deal absolutly and exclusively with the topic
of BBS'ing. Discord and Reddit kind of do everything and maybe that's where the
difference lies?
Discord, Reddit, Micronet, Fidonet, Metronet, DOVE-net, WINSnet and and and.
Knowledge and expierence is very widely spreaded. My goal is to bring it back to
one point, without questioning the other things! Diversity has never hurt!

If somebody posted something in "my" forum, it will be automatically posted on
the discord-server of Sysop's Finest, too. And if one of the members of my forum
are interested in one or more threads, he will noticed via Email that somebody
has answered or adding something to the threads, or "File- or Media-Area". I
have also a chat/chat-rooms function on the forum.

This would make the issue of time delays very manageable and every user could
decide, if he reacts immediately or later.

The final question stays, is the community willing to support this forum, or
ignore it for 
the reasons already mentioned? And only everyone can answer the question for
themselves! And everyone knows that too. If a project is not accepted and
it will be very difficult for the "admin/sysop" to collect and provide
reasonable and up-to-date information alone on his own. And so far, some people
have given up because of it.

In any case, my arms remain outstretched and I am happy about anyone who would 
like to support this project with his knowledge/experience. And I try my best to
this topic a room. So my suggestion is... take a look on the forum and decide
I'm open for changes/adding missing things, as they are available or makeable!
The forum is not an end in itself!

So have a nice day and keep on BBS'ing!


--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
 * Origin: Global Chaos BBS, The Home of the Nets and Files (618:500/64)
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