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Message   Michael Selhof    Ross Branham   Re: BBS Support Forum   March 23, 2024
 10:34 PM *  

On 23.03.2024 12:01, Ross Branham wrote to Gamgee:

-> -> -> -> ->  Ga> My feedback would be:  Why do we need a "web forum" to
->  Ga> We can discuss BBS'ing right here on ....  BBSes.
->  Ga> What does it offer that we don't have here already?
-> I agree. I would prefer to Discuss anything related to BBSing on a BBS. 
-> the idea behind BBSing and BBS forums. There are a few Discord groups 
-> to BBSing and I think it has its use and place but I think that it takes 
-> from the BBS experience IMHO. We need more reasons to get people to 
logon to
-> BBSes.
-> -=Cozmo=-
-> ... "I am" is the shortest sentence in English. Is 'I do' the longest?
-> --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
->  * Origin: Lunatics Unleashed (618:100/42)

Dear Ross

Thank you for your answer! I agree with that! But most of the young user 
don�t know the nets, or BBS. They know www and forum�s.
So my way is to present a plattform for this in german and english language.
Because here in germany the scene is small.

But good will from my side isn�t enough to fill this Forum with life, knowledge 
and expierience! But� what do you invest? A little time and your big 
Knowledge! Not more, but also not less! It is always easier to say things 
dead. And�. it is right.. Nobody said to me, do this.

But I love this hobby (bbs�ing), many of you, too! I wanna show interested 
people how great, beautiful and interesting this Hobby can be.

That�s my goal!



--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
 * Origin: Global Chaos BBS, The Home of the Nets and Files (618:500/64)
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