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Message   Michael Selhof    All   BBS Support Forum   March 23, 2024
 12:48 AM *  

I would like to do a little advertising for a forum here. Thematically it's
about the 
hobby BBS specifically and in general. Everything related to this hobby is or
be covered in this forum. The forum is in no way intended to compete with
existing structures. Rather an online round table for everyone interested in the
Realtime chat function is added, also.

Address is:

After a fault on my side I've got a complete Data loss and I have rebuild this
last and this week.

My wish would be that it could be well received by you and that a lot of
and experiences could be exchanged there. As with everything, it can only be a 
success with your support and acceptance. Each of us can contribute a knowledge 
to this topic. I am firmly convinced that the basic idea is not a bad one.

Of course I am open to requests, changes or suggestions! 

So.. maybe you will give it a try? I'm curious about your feedback!

--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
 * Origin: Global Chaos BBS, The Home of the Nets and Files (618:500/64)
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