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Message   Jas Hud    August Abolins   the lottery is a tax   March 8, 2024
 11:14 PM *  

  To: August Abolins
  Re: the lottery is a tax
  By: August Abolins to Jas Hud on Fri Mar 08 2024 08:43 pm

 >  JH> I invested money 3 years ago and it tanked.   now it's finally done
 >  JH> a
 >  JH> little more than break even.
 > Break even? That means you bought in around Nov '21 when it was
 > listing around 65K$?  I kinda tanked after that point and only
 > started to rebound in Jan '23.

i last bought it in 2021.  it quickly dropped to half that.
only recently has it jumped up.

the woman i live with lost more money, but she bought several kinds of crypto.
i never really invest in crypto. i buy it and spend it.

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