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Message   August Abolins    Arelor   the lottery is a tax   February 25, 2024
 8:56 AM *  

Hello Arelor!

** On Thursday 22.02.24 - 18:02, Arelor wrote to August Abolins:

 A> NVIDIA is an overheated value.

 A> Its Price to Earnings stat isn't great - ie. each stock
 A> does not represent enough productive power from the company
 A> to be considered a great deal for the buck.

But for the last year it has produced pretty good value.  a  
simple $1000 investment a year ago would be $6000 now. That's  
pretty good in my book.

 A> NVIDIA has a low dividend, to the point of being non-
 A> existent.

Yes.. I recall your dividend approach.

 A> Generally, I regard hyped-tech companies as gambling
 A> investments. Sure, they can spike high and fix your day,
 A> but since most of them lack productive power enough to
 A> sustain their absurd prices, you can find yourself in the
 A> other end of the spectrum.

But NVIDIA is supposed to be different. It's their tech that is  
behind all that is driving the AI boom.

 A> Compare NVIDIA to an average Spanish utility company. Sure,
 A> they won't spike and make you rich, but they are cheap to
 A> buy and will pay a very good dividend for their entry price
 A> for decades to come. Consider that Spanish companies tend
 A> to pay higher dividends than American ones, by miles.

Ah.. and you are remaining domestic. That's probably a prudent  


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