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Message   Arelor    August Abolins   the lottery is a tax   February 6, 2024
 12:01 PM *  

  Re: the lottery is a tax
  By: August Abolins to Arelor on Mon Feb 05 2024 07:55 pm

 > So..  you got ANY $s in such investments?  They say even a low
 > $100 every now and then is enough to get started.

Well, I am a young man who has three sources of income, nearly no expenses, and
lives in a country in which saving money is frowned upon and penalized, so...
yeah, I am currently pumping all the money I don't have immediate use for into

Basically, I am buying:

* Things that I will use to save money by producing things I use. For example,
equipment for preserving food, equipment for growing food. You get the idea.

* Stocks from established companies with no bullshit business plans. A company
with no meaningful growth prospects that has a good payout and healthy
accounting is a better buy for me than a company that grows taking money from
investors in exchange of developing vaporware products. I have enough friends
in IT to know most vaporware products won't materialize and the ones who do
won't pay their money back to investors.

* Things I am going to use, are going to become more expensive in the future,
and I can keep in storage for a reasonable length of time (such as alcohol,
solid fuels, tools).

Ideally I will have a supplementary income big enough when I turn 40 that I
could get by just on dividends from my investments and a single non-stressful
job - since I don't have meaningful debts anyway - plus I will keep the
capability of producing so much stuff for self-consumption if need be.

I guess the advantage of not having a girl is you can find better uses for your
money (lol)

--- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
 * Origin: Palantir * * Pensacola, FL * (618:250/24)
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