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Message   Digimaus    Kurt Weiske   pfSense   February 5, 2024
 1:35 PM *  

(Moved from Computer Chat)
-=> Kurt Weiske wrote to Digimaus <=-

 KW> Up in the Sierra Nevada mountains, we had our choice of going all
 KW> electric or setting up one of those big propane tanks. We don't live
 KW> there year-round, so we went all electric.

That makes sense.  You'd not want propane sitting for long periods of time

 KW> Propane and snow are a bad combination. We had a couple of big winters
 KW> where tanks exploded. I don't know if they imploded or if the snow was
 KW> too great for the connectors and pipes. Most likely, the latter.

Possibly the snow caused the pressure to build in the tanks.  I haven't seen
that around here but it's rare for us to get more than a few inches in the
valley though higher up they get a foot or two.

-- Sean
... I have a photographic memory.  What's your name again?
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