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Message   Arelor    digimaus   Re: Back home   April 7, 2022
 3:09 AM *  

  Re: Re: Back home
  By: digimaus to Arelor on Wed Apr 06 2022 08:43 pm

 > -=> Arelor wrote to Gamgee <=-
 >  Ar> One of the things I am very proud off is that the head honcho in the
 >  Ar> clinic I work in takes vendor lock-in very seriously and, as a result,
 >  Ar> we run BSD and Linux on the overwhelming most of the machines.
 > Now that my mother has retired from her professional needlepoint and
 > cross-stitching design business, she and I are talking about her running
 > Devuan Linux instead of Windows since her computer is older and Windows
 > seems to always be breaking things for her.  She just uses Firefox,
 > Thunderbird, and a few ancillary programs that I know of Linux-native
 > replacements for.  I am hoping she decides to try it as that will make my
 > life a lot easier trying to fix things (if they break; don't imagine it will
 > happen a lot like under Windows) for her via remote.
 > -- Sean

In my experience, the best way to gain converts is to show them some program
that does something they need on Linux or BSD for which they don't know a
Windows alternative. If the Windows alternative exists, hush as a whore :-)

My father was sold into Linux because he asked me to help him manage his ebook
collection, so I installed Callibre in an old Linux laptop. He started using
Linux just because of that and nowadays that is the only thing he wants to use.

--- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux
 * Origin: Palantir * * Pensacola, FL * (618:250/24)
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