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Message   Digimaus    Kurt Weiske   pfSense   January 28, 2024
 8:23 PM *  

(Moved from Computer Chat)

 KW> $489 in California, on an EV time-of-day plan. 3 bedroom house, 2 gas
 KW> heaters and 2 electric space heaters.

I believe it.  That's on the cheaper side, I bet.

 KW> We did a remodel in our bedroom last year and ditched a huge gas
 KW> heater. Most of the time that we're in there, we're in bed under
 KW> covers, so don't need heat in that room very often.

That makes sense.  I turn off the heat in my apartment at night since I
keep plenty warm under blankets.

 KW> Our rates just went up 20%. Our utility company has a pretty good thing
 KW> going.

It wouldn't be PG&E, would it?

 KW> Everyone knows it should be privatized but whoever attempts it will
 KW> have so much campaign money funneled to their opponents that they'd
 KW> never make it through the next election.


Here, I deal with Brightridge (my local PUC/co-op) that buys from the
TVA.  I'm lucky.  With my being in the hospital this month, my electric
bill should be really, really low.

I miss California (and the west coast as a whole) but I'll never live
there again.

-- Sean

... Never start a conversation with Pi.  It'll just go on forever.
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 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (618:618/1)
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