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Message   Jas Hud    Arelor   Re: Back home   April 6, 2022
 10:42 PM *  

Quoting message from Arelor to Gamgee
on 06 Apr 22  06:57:55.

A>   Re: Re: Back home
A>   By: Gamgee to Nick Andre on Mon Apr 04 2022 07:07 pm
 >  NA> Theres a certain aroma of arrogance on Fsx I can't quite explain
 >  NA> but its "there".
 > I think it's because many (most?) of the sysops there run Mystic, and
 > somehow think that makes them "leet".  Hahahaha
A> What would be "leet" abour running Mystic instead of other BBS package? Jus
A> curious. For the average Joe, just connecting to any sort of BBS via a term
A> is leet as fuck.

g00r00 just made mystic because the lame rg developers at the time told him
to fuck off.

i don't get why people run mystic. i've checked it out multiple times over
the years and i don't see the benefit.
maybe they don't know about elebbs or other softwares.

with synchronet, it comes from a lame crowd, but you can make it however you
want.  also rob is a good programmer that listens to feedback. luckily over
the years the contributers who would crap up  the cvs are gone or have just
cleaned up their act. there were so many undocumented, unfinished, unworking
scripts they would upload. 

i think everyone should be running telegard.

--- Renegade v1.18a
 * Origin: � Physics � � 16BIT! � (618:300/10)
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