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Message   Kurt Weiske    Jas Hud   Re: Still sick...   January 9, 2024
 6:18 AM *  

-=> Jas Hud wrote to Kurt Weiske <=-

 JH> i know a guy who's going to sell everything and his wife are going to
 JH> live perpetually at a mexican resort.

 That was the story of "Best Exotic Marigold Hotel", a retirement hotel
 for english expats.

 The cost of living is so cheap that you could rent a small villa with
 filtered water and have household help with you in a town for $1000. At
 least you could a few years ago. I saw listings in San Miguel De
 Allende, a wonderful artisan's town in the center of Mexico. Expats
 would move there, and keep their medical care in the US for urgent
 issues. They were an hour-and-a-half flight from Dallas/Fort Worth.

... Ask people to work against their better judgement
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 * Origin: -- information is power. (618:300/16)
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