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Message   Jas Hud    Mike Powell   Rechargable Battery ?   January 2, 2024
 9:45 AM *  

  To: Mike Powell
  Re: Rechargable Battery ?
  By: Mike Powell to ALL on Tue Jan 02 2024 09:58 am

 > From Newsgroup:
 > With regular AA alkaline batteries, when they corrode, it is time to throw
 > them out.
 > With rechargable AA alkaline batteries, is it also time to throw them out,
 > or can you clean them up and recharge them?  I have never had that happen
 > before until recently so I was not sure.
 > Mike

you mean corrode or actually leaking out material like batteries sometimes do?
if you are losing the material inside, then toss them.  if they rust, you can
get a scotchbrite and buff the rust off.

also there's different types of batteries.  lithium is dangerous shit. don't
risk anything with lithium batteries. i had a battery that i suspected was lower
capacity and had a fake label over it.  i used an xacto blade to get the label
off to see the real one under. I knicked that fucker somehow and it ignited. I
had to put it in a bucket with dirt to cut off the oxygen.
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