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Message   Jas Hud    Sean Dennis   Merry Christmas   December 25, 2023
 1:23 AM *  

  To: Sean Dennis
  Re: Merry Christmas
  By: Sean Dennis to Jas Hud on Sun Dec 24 2023 07:04 pm

 > Both of my parents are sick with the flu also.  When I went to the ER
 > ysterday, I noticed my dad's mobility scooter in the ER waiting room.  Sure
 > enough, he was there due to his coughing.  For some reason my mom blames me
 > for making her sick--we went to Sam's Club Wednesday and I think we caught
 > it there--but it doesn't matter.  I believe they're doing better.
 > I'm doing somewhat better but I am very lightheaded and can't move aound
 > much.  I have to be especially careful since I am a fall risk so I am using
 > my cane and being deliberate in my movements.

get this stuff from walgreens.

walgreens muscus relief DM.  you dont need 120 pills. get the 30 pack
it will help greatly with the mucus.
I'd send you some but looks like it's a restricted item on walgreens.
needs id.

make sure you sleep on your  side and have people check on you.

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