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Message   Jas Hud    Jay Harris   Re: Merry Christmas   December 25, 2023
 1:19 AM *  

  To: Jay Harris
  Re: Re: Merry Christmas
  By: Jay Harris to Sean Dennis on Sun Dec 24 2023 05:49 pm

 > I just plugged ours in last night in the bedroom.  Found myself waking up in
 > the morning with a really dry and slightly sore throat which happens in the
 > colder months.  Having one of those going overnight really helps with that.

i have this one and it's worked well for years.   we actually have 2

It comes with a sample to put in the medicine cup.  also the heating element
will get a 'shell' of minerals from your water so you have to take it apart
and soak it in vinegar.

i'm running one in the living room downstairs to keep the temp of the room up
with humidity.  it really helps well with that.
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