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Message   Sean Dennis    Jas Hud   Merry Christmas   December 24, 2023
 7:04 PM *  

 JH> over in my area we have this cold that is pretty bad and goes to your
 JH> lungs. i'm still coughing up junk until i puke.  i'm on my 4th week.

The ER doc who saw me said flu A, flu B, and COVID were going around.
Saturday the place was packed though threre was a poor dude that was in the
middle of a heart attack (I felt sorry for him).  Luckily, after injecting
Zofran (anti-emetic) and fluids into me, I felt better, but I went into the
main hospital lobby and gathered what strenght I had to make it home in a

The nausea is mostly gone though the infection has moved into my chest.  I'm
no longer blacking out when I cough but it's shallower coughing with a lot
of phlegm.  That cool-mist vaporizer is already helping me.  I fired it up
the high setting about an hour ago and I can feel the difference already.

Both of my parents are sick with the flu also.  When I went to the ER
ysterday, I noticed my dad's mobility scooter in the ER waiting room.  Sure
enough, he was there due to his coughing.  For some reason my mom blames me
for making her sick--we went to Sam's Club Wednesday and I think we caught
it there--but it doesn't matter.  I believe they're doing better.

I'm doing somewhat better but I am very lightheaded and can't move aound
much.  I have to be especially careful since I am a fall risk so I am using
my cane and being deliberate in my movements.

I was planning on spending Christmas alone which is okay but being sick and
alone sucks balls.

Hope you get better as soon as possible!

-- Sean

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