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Message   Rob Mccart    JAS HUD   It's about that time...   November 30, 2023
 12:45 AM *  

JH>We have a bunch of cats so a xmas tree is a no go.

I remember one year a ways back my uncle used to put up 3 trees, one for each
of the kids, side by side in the living room, wired together to keep them
better supported. I was working midnights at the time and had just gotten home
hoping to get a few hours sleep before leaving for a Christmas party at their
place when I get a phone call from my aunt saying that one (both?) of her cats
had decided to climb the trees and had knocked over all 3 of them. My uncle
was out for the day and her kids too young to do much so she asked if I'd come
over to help pick things up... I wasn't too wide awake for the party later but
you are right.. Christmas trees and cats don't go well together..  B)
 * SLMR Rob  * No matter who you vote for, the government always gets in
 * Origin: * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
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