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Message   Jas Hud    Sean Dennis   Happy Thanksgiving   November 30, 2023
 8:34 AM *  

  To: Sean Dennis
  Re: Happy Thanksgiving
  By: Sean Dennis to Shawn Highfield on Thu Nov 30 2023 08:12 am

 > masse in the mornings from open (around 0530-0600) to around 1000.  They
 > normally didn't buy or eat a lot individually but with them literally
 > filling the dining room, they were always valued cutomers because without
 > them, the restaurant would have a lossy breakfast shift and in order to keep
 > labor costs down, we'd have to send some employees home which was always a
 > Catch-22 because we'd risk being short-handed during a possibly busy lunch
 > time.

well around here they post sinage that says you can only be in the dining area
for x amount of time.

regarding the chinese food restaurant, these dudes were in the front main area,
there all day and not really making the place look decent. they also had loud

this place eventually went under while their other restaurants stayed open.
it's too bad because the food was decent and the sushi was good.
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