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Message   Jas Hud    Shawn Highfield   Happy Thanksgiving   November 28, 2023
 5:16 AM *  

  To: Shawn Highfield
  Re: Happy Thanksgiving
  By: Shawn Highfield to Sean Dennis on Mon Nov 27 2023 06:37 am

 > From Newsgroup:
 >  > afternoon and we had a nice meal together.  Unfortunately he had to
 >  > work that night so they had to leave early but I'm glad I wasn't
 > We went to a buffet restaurant yesterday for US Thanksgiving.  They
 > didn't have turkey out, but had a decent roast beast.  Rest was your
 > typical buffet food.  Glad FIL treated the entire family on that one. (I
 > wouldn't want to know bill there was around 15 of us)

do you guys have golden corral there? i went to thanksgiving there a few times
and it was awesome.
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