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Message   Sean Dennis    All   A nice Thanksgiving   November 23, 2023
 8:51 PM *  

Hi everyone,

I was surprised this morning by a text from my sister asking if she and her
boyfriend could come over to my place for Thanksgiving.  They only live
about 2 miles (3.2 km) from me but they both work so I rarely get to see

Unfortunately, her boyfriend has to work tonight overnight so it was a short
visit for a couple of hours but we got to catch up over a good dinner.

Sure was nice not having to spend Thanksgiving alone.

It looks like the three of us will be able to spend Christmas together
which will be nice.  I've spent the last two Christmases alone and while in
the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter, I'm a sappy type who enjoys
spending the hoildays with others since I spend 99% of my life alone.  Not
having a car sucks.

-- Sean

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