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Message   Gamgee    Arelor   Re: Back home   April 6, 2022
 7:11 PM *  

-=> Arelor wrote to Gamgee <=-

 < regarding: releasing Mystic source code to the public...

 >  Ga> Haha, pretty sure that's not gonna happen.

 >  SD> That's why I don't run it.

 > There are a few other reasons I don't run it either, but the
 > closed-source is a major one for sure.
 > I'm pretty much all open-source here, for everything.

 Ar> I don't get running closed source material for this sort of
 Ar> hobby, where the object of the hobby is mainly tweaking the
 Ar> boards themselves. It is like liking to mod cars and then buying
 Ar> a car designed to be hard to tweak.

Yeah, I agree completely.  It's like having a car that the vendor 
allows you to paint it a different color, but not change anything in
the engine or transmission, or even the tires.  :-)

 Ar> Then there is the issue I mentioned in that thread boraxman is
 Ar> geting beaten at. FOSS software is just more resistent to bad
 Ar> twists of fate.

Absolutely.  Many sets of eyes are on the software, and malware (and
mistakes) are less likely that way.

 Ar> One of the things I am very proud off is that the head honcho in
 Ar> the clinic I work in takes vendor lock-in very seriously and, as
 Ar> a result, we run BSD and Linux on the overwhelming most of the
 Ar> machines.

That's freakin excellent.

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