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Message   August Abolins    All   book: to infinity and beyond   November 5, 2023
 10:07 AM *  

Presented in a pseudo magazine/textbook style with lavish  
colour illustrations..

 To Infinity and Beyond: A Journey of Cosmic Discovery |  

Neil deGrasse Tyson | Lindsey Nyx Walker

Disney Publishing Group | National Geographic

Science / Space Science - Space Exploration / Space Science - Cosmology / Space
Science - Astronomy

Published Sep 12, 2023

$30.00 US / $41.00 CA list price

"No one can make the mysteries of the universe more  
comprehensible-and fun-than Neil deGrasse Tyson. With wit,  
charm, and everyday analogies, he brings planetary science down  
to earth and principles of astrophysics within reach. In this  
entertaining book, illustrated with vivid photographs and art,  
readers travel with him through space and time, starting with  
the big bang and voyaging to the far reaches of the universe  
and beyond. Along the way, we glean facts of science, triumphs,  
and bloopers from history and pop culture-all part of a joyful  
ride through the cosmos with a wise and effervescent guide.

"The book begins as we leave Earth and encounter new truths
about our planet's atmosphere, the nature of sunlight, and the
many missions that have demystified our galactic neighbors. But
the farther out we travel, the weirder things get. What's a
void and what's a vacuum? Is light a wave or a particle?
Classic physics experiments intersect with iconic Hollywood
movie scenes to explain the universe and our place in it. When
we finally arrive in the blackness of outer space, Tyson takes
on the spookiest phenomena of the cosmos: parallel worlds,
black holes, time travel, and more.

"For space enthusiasts, astrophysics brainiacs, and the
millions who follow Tyson's podcast and social media posts,
Cosmic Conundrums is a provocative window into the intricacies
of the cosmos.

SUPPORT a local bookshop of your choice:

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