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Message   Digimaus    All   Good news   November 4, 2023
 1:06 PM *  

Finally some good news in this world!

From: (

   Cup Noodles Finally Got the Change We've Been Waiting 50 Years For

   The beloved soup cup is more convenient than ever.

   By Annie Campbell 
   Updated on November 3, 2023

   Just in time for soup season, we got some great news about our
   favorite ready-made soup staple: Cup Noodles (aka "Cup of Noodles";).

   Over the decades, Cup Noodles has become an internationally-loved
   comfort meal. The personal-sized soups are reliable, budget-friendly
   (especially when on sale at Costco), and the perfect thing to cure a
   salty food craving. However, there is one aspect of the Cup Noodles
   product that's somewhat of a design flaw.

   For as long as it has existed in the U.S. (since 1973), the noodle
   cup has been made of polystyrene, which is not microwave-safe.
   Finally, the brand is launching a new kind of cup that's
   microwavable, making the on-the-go meal even more convenient.

Microwavable Cup Noodles Are Finally Here

   According to a press release, Cup Noodles will debut a new paper cup
   design in early 2024 that is microwave-safe. This change will apply
   across all Cup Noodles flavors including chicken, beef, shrimp,
   spicy, curry, and vegetable.

   Now, if you're thinking, Wait a minute-haven't they always been
   microwavable?, the answer is no (and probably should be taken as your
   sign to start paying attention to package instructions). When exposed
   to high temperatures, polystyrene cups can melt or release
   potentially harmful chemicals into your food, which is why the
   package instructions don't have a microwave option.

   Originally, to make the noodles, you would have to start by boiling
   water. Then, you'd pour the hot water into the cup, stir, and let it
   sit for about 5 minutes until cooked.

   Finally, the days of pulling out the kettle are over. The whole meal
   can come together in even fewer steps (and in less time) All you have
   to do is add water and stick it in the microwave-after 2 minutes and
   15 seconds, your hot cup of soup is served.

   The polystyrene-free packaging launch does a 2-in-1 job, meeting
   customers' cooking needs while also demonstrating a new commitment to
   sustainable packaging. The new cup will be made with 40% recycled
   fiber, feature a sleeve made with 100% recycled paper, and no longer
   require plastic wrap.

   "This updated packaging and the new paper cup marks an important
   milestone for Cup Noodles and a key step in our environmental
   commitment," said Michael Price, President and CEO of Nissin Foods

   Luckily, nothing about the flavor or quality of the soup is expected
   to change, so we can keep relying on our favorite soup solution as
   usual-perhaps for another 50 years.

-- Sean

... It is hard to fly with the eagle when you work with the turkeys.
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