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Message   Sean Dennis    Jas Hud   Lord Time   November 3, 2023
 2:40 PM *  

Hello, Jas!

Replying to a message of Jas Hud to Sean Dennis:

 JH> i already have your obituary started.

"I TOLD YOU I WAS SICK" will be on my headstone.

 JH> there's a dude on tiktok who is a ham operator. he was streaming last
 JH> night. looks like a cross between you and doc brown. i should have
 JH> saved his address.

I've had friends who told me they'd enjoy watching stream while operating on the

 JH> I've managed other people's systems that were flakey and i would have
 JH> them reboot once a day,and then give myself another way to bust in
 JH> there and restart.
 JH> a few times i used synchronet's bbs end to take over and fix issues.

Luckily my BBS is stable for the most part.  It's if something happens to me is
what I worry about.

-- Sean

--- FleetStreet 1.27.1
 * Origin: Outpost BBS Local Console * (618:618/1)
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