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Message   Jas Hud    Sean Dennis   Cheap DoorDash customers   November 3, 2023
 8:52 AM *  

  To: Sean Dennis
  Re: Cheap DoorDash customers
  By: Sean Dennis to Jas Hud on Thu Nov 02 2023 04:55 pm

 >  JH> well dashers can't see that 0 tip.  but we can figure it out if they
 >  JH> want us to get a mcdonalds order for 4 dollars.
 > I figure it this way: if I can afford a food delivery, I can afford a tip
 > also. Last night, I ordered a sandwich and some past from Dominos.  Not
 > cheap on my budget but it was my one "treat" for the month.  I still gave
 > the driver a 20% tip.

there's tricks where you can get discounts and still give a decent trip.
uber eats does 2 for one deals.  so you can buy a meal for now and have one for
later and then tip.

i tip about  5 bucks. i dont do a percentage.
most of the time i order on doordash and then pickup. another thing is since i'm
a dasher a lot of the time i get promos or coupons.  i had 30% off 5 orders

 >  JH> i'm pretty sure doordash will get a class action lawsuit or 2
 >  JH> eventually.
 > California will probably be the first.

yeah probably but it needs to be done. doordash does pull some bullshit.
also i'm real high rated and once i started hitting it it hard and making ok
money, they started throwing the shit onces at me.  like 4 dollars or less, and
i'd have to drive several miles.

here's some examples of what i'm getting now.
this one is kinda decent because of the tip. but still low

here's another

now this one had real low pay but the tip was ok.
i had to drive FAR for this one.

this cheap bitch pretending like i delivered to the wrong address.
she probably wanted the whole thing for free.
so she called me and acted like it wasn't there and i acted like i drove off,
but i was still there and i busted her red handed.
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