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Message   Jas Hud    Sean Dennis   Lord Time   November 3, 2023
 8:40 AM *  

  To: Sean Dennis
  Re: Lord Time
  By: Sean Dennis to Jas Hud on Thu Nov 02 2023 04:35 pm

 > I've given Andrew access to my BBS in case something were to happen to me.
 > I'm working on other solutions in the works so if something does happen to
 > me, my BBS can be shut down properly and Micronet can continue to function.
 > I know it sounds a little morbid but with what has happened, it's good to
 > make sure.  I even have reserved a burial plot at Mountain Home National
 > Cemetery (it's on the same land that my local VA hospital).

i already have your obituary started.

 > Once I can get a working amateur radio, I'll be doing that a lot but my BBS
 > is reliable and can run on autopilot if need be for a while.  One thing I'd

there's a dude on tiktok who is a ham operator. he was streaming last night.
looks like a cross between you and doc brown. i should have saved his address.

 > like to ge a telnetable surge protector so the BBS can be rebooted asily
 > from remote.

I've managed other people's systems that were flakey and i would have them
reboot once a day,and then give myself another way to bust in there and restart.

a few times i used synchronet's bbs end to take over and fix issues.
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