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Message   Digimaus    Arelor   Cheap DoorDash customers   November 2, 2023
 4:30 PM *  

Hello, Arelor!

Replying to a message of Arelor to Digimaus:

 A> I think there is a cultural schism here, but I think the employer
 A> (DoorDash in this case) ought to pay the employees enough money so
 A> they don't need tips. Then customers would handle tips only at
 A> exceptional service - which happens to be the Spanish way).

Definitely,  It's like how wait staff gets paid USD $2.13 an hour.  Hoowever,
here in Tennessee, that law states that wait staff has to make $7.50 an hour so
if a waitress, for example, doesn't make $7.50 an hour combined with tips during
a shift, the restaurant owner must pay the difference so it goes up to

 A> I think when you normalize tips they stop representing what they ought
 A> to represent.

Yes and no.  I only tip in certain situations and when I felt the service was
worth the tip.

Tipping here in the US drives my European friends nuts so when they visit, they
ask me if I should tip or not and if so, how much.

-- Sean

--- FleetStreet 1.27.1
 * Origin: Outpost BBS Local Console * (618:618/1)
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