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Message   Jas Hud    Shawn Highfield   What's been going on   November 1, 2023
 9:27 AM *  

  To: Shawn Highfield
  Re: What's been going on
  By: Shawn Highfield to Jas Hud on Wed Nov 01 2023 06:13 am

 >  JH> when i was hitting it hard was making about 350/wk and i was driving
 >  JH> about 3 hrs a day. but i had horrible days and awesome days.  and it
 >  JH> was a LOT of driving and i had to gas up every 2 days.
 > That makes sense.
 >  JH> I've certainly had some weird experiences delivering.
 > I used to work for a local company that does the same thing as Uber Eats
 > just been doing it since 1988 for the various restaurants.  Believe me I've
 > seen it all at this point.

The naked women i am fine with. i had one nice one open up the door in a robe
that wasn't closed and saw her full nude.  then there was another one that i
called up because the app had her map pin wrong and asked her to open her door
so i could make sure i was at the correct place.  she opened up and was very
pretty and wearing a shirt but no bottom and i could see the bottom.

Then there was a time i delivered in the hood and it said 'hand it to me'.
and it's during snow and of course these people dont shovel their snow and it's
now all ice...  and their porch has 3 inches of ice on it.   i'm so tall i was
able to knock on their door off to the side and not have to get on their porch.

Door creeks open with my knock.  people start talking inside.  very dark inside
and dark outside. No porchlight on.  I'm wearing all black and a hood.  a lady
lets her dog loose on me and it runs up to me and sees how big i am and gets a
whiff of me and thinks 'nope' and runs back. Luckily it wasn't a pitbull, those
guys love a fight.

Btw, this is after me txting through the app 'hello, i will be there in 5 mins',

Anyways she sent some 5 year old to get the food and then i reported them. i
hope they got kicked off.
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