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Message   Shawn Highfield    Jas Hud   What's been going on   November 1, 2023
 6:13 AM *  

-=> Jas Hud wrote to Shawn Highfield <=-

 JH> I have done ubereats.  what i notice is the 'pay' for the runs are
 JH> lower, but people were nicer and tipped me well.

I see.

 JH> when i was hitting it hard was making about 350/wk and i was driving
 JH> about 3 hrs a day. but i had horrible days and awesome days.  and it
 JH> was a LOT of driving and i had to gas up every 2 days.

That makes sense.

 JH> I've certainly had some weird experiences delivering.

I used to work for a local company that does the same thing as Uber Eats
just been doing it since 1988 for the various restaurants.  Believe me I've
seen it all at this point.


... There is an order of things in this universe. Apollo, stardate 3468.1.

--- Talisman v0.47-dev (Windows/x86)
 * Origin: Tiny's BBS II = (618:500/33)
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