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Message   Shawn Highfield    Sean Dennis   What's been going on   October 31, 2023
 6:21 AM *  

-=> Sean Dennis wrote to Shawn Highfield <=-

 SD> Congrats on the promotion!  More pay, more headaches.  At least it's
 SD> not "Did you turn it off and turn it on again?"...

It sometimes is.  The drivers refuse to unplug the tablet's so they start
to over heat and then don't charge.  At that point. "Can you UNPLUG it from
the car and turn off the screen let it cool.  Don't put it in front of the
heat.  Let it cool right down.  Then turn it off and back on and see if it
will charge.  No no no not now.  You need to let it cool off.  Just write
down your next call and do it with the tablet OFF.  Use a pen and paper,
the pen that you fill your log book out with.  The paper?  The back of the
cash out sheet.  No WAIT it's only been 15 seconds.  You need to wait a bit"

 SH> Andrea's been off work as her job ended a couple months ago, so she's
 SH> been doing the cooking.
 SD> Not a bad thing I hope.

Miss the income.

 SD> used to be.  That's one of the reasons I've been so active in BBSing; I
 SD> can think clearly again.

That's good man!

 SD> Looking at possible foot reconstruction surgery in the upcoming future.

Better then cutting it off for sure!


... Earn cash in your spare time -- blackmail your friends

--- Talisman v0.47-dev (Windows/x86)
 * Origin: Tiny's BBS II = (618:500/33)
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