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Message   Jas Hud    Sean Dennis   Re: Nigel   October 31, 2023
 2:48 AM *  

  To: Sean Dennis
  Re: Re: Nigel
  By: Sean Dennis to Nick Andre on Mon Oct 30 2023 09:32 pm

 > Micronet and I intend on keeping it going.  Micronet's one of the few
 > accomplishments I am proud of (and not in an arrogant way).  I never
 > intended on Micronet lasting more than a few years let alone 23.
 > I do not mind helping sysops figure out if there's a problem with their
 > system or mine.  What I don't appreciate is being approached with a
 > pissy attitude then having it thrown at me again when the offender gets
 > mad because they assume that I'm being the same way to them.  But to
 > come in here and accuse both the ZC and their hub of not having a

I have to reply here because there's a bunch of problems with my host (lordtime)
where i can read but can't post most the time to min.admin.

I think none of us are angels.  nigel is a big bitch cunt.  i'm a bitch and an
asshole with a heart of gold 10% of the time.  You are a big hothead.  Shawn
shits himself.  Nick Andre is a dwarf.

We all need to remind ourselves of the micronet golden rule #2.
Also, we should probably put off sending replies if things are heated.  wait 10
mins and see if you have a cooler head.

We are all brothers from another mother.

 > I am currently trying to apply for a grant for a modified vehicle for my
 > disabilities that will allow me to purchase a vehicle up to USD$90,000.
 > If I can get a new vehicle, I'll have to dust off the old passport and
 > come up and visit.

You should see if they will pay for a helper monkey to drive it for you sir
smash a lot.  *runs*
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