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Message   Sean Dennis    Shawn Highfield   What's been going on   October 30, 2023
 1:25 PM *  

Hello Shawn,

Monday October 30 2023 06:51, you wrote to All:

 SH> So I've been quite around here for a bit, I was promoted at work and
 SH> no longer drive people around, now I drive a desk for 8-12 hours a day
 SH> dealing with Schedules, Payroll, and asking the drivers 120 times a
 SH> day "Did you knock on the door?".

Congrats on the promotion!  More pay, more headaches.  At least it's not "Did
you turn it off and turn it on again?"...

 SH> Andrea's been off work as her job ended a couple months ago, so she's
 SH> been doing the cooking.

Not a bad thing I hope.

 SH> I also quit drinking for a couple reasons, Reason 1 we're now a one
 SH> income household, and reason 2 it's a lot of empty calories and I'd
 SH> rather use those for food. :)  Now maybe I can enjoy the odd fried
 SH> thing, or desert.

I lost an uncle at the age of 50 to alcoholism.  Glad you quit drinking.  Your
body will thank you later.

Just dealing with a drama llama in MIN_ADMIN, working on my doors, and enjoying
the hard work of diabetes control finally paying off as my average reading are
186 mm/dL which is high but not at 300+ like they used to be.  That's one of the
reasons I've been so active in BBSing; I can think clearly again.

Looking at possible foot reconstruction surgery in the upcoming future.

-- Sean

... The quartermaster has only two sizes: too large and too small.
--- GoldED/2 3.0.1
 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN * (618:618/1)
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