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Message   Mike Powell    KURT WEISKE   Re: How It's Made   October 25, 2023
 10:18 AM *  

>  My local high-tech thrift store has seen some Bose wave radios and
>  Tivoli table radios. Nice, but the dial is pretty empty where I am. I
>  have a right-wing local station that feels like it's all commercials on
>  AM, and one or two decent FM stations, again, laden with commercials.
>  We've been spoiled with on-demand music and podcasts.

I think that talk radio is like the local TV morning news programs in that
both are heavy with commercials.  I have always suspected that our local TV
stations increased the hours they have news on for the specific purpose of
selling more commercial time vs. what they could sell with syndicated old
TV shows.

The FM rock and roll stations in this area seemed to start following suit
several years before streaming became big.  Seemed to happen right before
sattelite radios became standard in vehicles.

 * SLMR 2.1a * All animals are equal, some more than others.
--- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
 * Origin: * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
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