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Message   Digimaus    All   How It's Made   October 22, 2023
 7:36 PM *  

Hi everyone,

I have discovered a "live TV" channel on The Roku Channel I love: it
had "How It's Made" on heavy rotation.  I fire up The Roku Channel in my
Web browser and listen to it while I work on the computer(s).  Quite
relaxing for me.

When I was in the throes of an active COVID infection and in a delrious
state due to fever, I planted myself in my recliner and watched HIM all
day and all night so my miund would have something to focus on.  I was
suffering from some crazy fever dreams and for some reason, as long as I
had HIM on while I slept, I did not have those weird dreams.

I don't watch a lot of TV directly but I tend to have HIM and "America's
Test Kitchen", which has a similar channel on The Roku Channel, on a lot
for background noise while I work.

I do have a nice older Bose 3-2-1 A/V unit that I'm going to be setting
up soon.  That has both AM and FM receivers in it so I'll listen to the
radio a lot more then.

-- Sean

... TV Truth:  Court cases are all solved with a suprise witness.
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 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (618:618/1)
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