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Message   Sean Dennis    Jas Hud   Quiet   October 20, 2023
 9:01 PM *  

Hello Jas,

Friday October 20 2023 05:39, you wrote to me:

 JH> i dont know your email address.  didnt you change your  ham handle.
 JH> what are you doing that you disappear all the time.

I've had several email addresses for decades:
 - (20+)
 - (15+)
 - (3+; newish domain)
 - (10 or so years)

As for why I disappear, it's called having a life and dealing with multiple
chronic illnesses.  Sometimes all I want to do is sit and watch TV.  Other times
I have four doctors' appointments in one day and I get worn the hell out.

A lot of times, I just don't care and sleep the day away.

As for my callsign, yes, I changed it on July 10, 2020.

 JH> are you on twitch again

I'm on Twitch a lot.  I can watch it laying down in my bed with my three 27"
monitors aimed at me.  Sometimes, I leave it on all day and sleep to the drone
of cute anime waifus.

TL;DR: I'll get back to you when I feel up to it.  If you need to contact me and
forget my email, ask anyone who knows me in here.

(I prioritize myself first anymore.  If there is an emergency, there are several
people in Micronet who can contact ne offline to get my attention.)

-- Sean

... My other computer...hey, where IS my other computer?
--- GoldED/2 3.0.1
 * Origin: Micronet World HQ - (618:618/1)
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