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Message   Jas Hud    Havok   Re: Castle Rock BBS   October 10, 2023
 4:40 PM *  

  To: Havok
  Re: Re: Castle Rock BBS
  By: Havok to Jas Hud on Mon Oct 09 2023 06:32 pm

 > From Newsgroup:
 >   Re: Re: Castle Rock BBS
 >   By: Jas Hud to Havok on Mon Oct 09 2023 03:50 pm
 >  JH> who knows nowadays. i have some emails from a castlerock bbs and it
 >  JH> looks like he was running worldgroup. last one was nov 2021
 >  JH> i also have one from aug 2022 where i was reporting an issue to his
 >  JH> feedback email but i got no reply.
 >  Oh now this sounds like a can of worms!
 >  Thanks for the information.

apparently his real name is kevin goebel and he runs a website that looks like 
he should be about 68 years old. he probably lives and works in janesville,wi
got nothing for him on facebook.

don't see any obituary on him.
it could be that his system is down and he doesn't know, or it's down and he
doesn't care.  his webs are still up; he's using

not sure if anybody knows him personally and can call him up.
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