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Message   ogg    Sean Dennis   Quiet   September 21, 2023
 9:10 PM *  

On 21 Sep 2023, Sean Dennis said the following...
 SD> Hi everyone,
 SD> I apologize for being so quiet.  This month has been difficult for me
 SD> physically, emotionally, and mentally.  The COVID is gone but the nasty
 SD> cough and headaches are still around.  I've been really busy also.  I
 SD> haven't forgotten about the BBS and Micronet; I just have had no energy
 SD> to deal with everything.
 SD> I'm here now, though.
 SD> -- Sean
You've done a great job of keeping us informed.  I suspect that most of us know
when something needs to be done, you'll be right in there slugging away. Please
remember that I know (and appreciate!) that you are providing me with a service.
 Just keep in mind that you are job number one. We can certainly wait. Just take
care of your self and get better!

Sysop, Altair IV BBS

--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
 * Origin: Altair IV BBS (618:200/54)
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