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Message   Gamgee    Conrad Candy Smith   Re: Fall weather preview   September 6, 2023
 8:55 PM *  

-=> Conrad Candy Smith wrote to Gamgee <=-

 Ga> I like it.  It's often 90+ degrees (F) here, with humidity at 70-80%.
 Ga> Just something you learn to deal with.

 CCS> How are you alive?

Hehe.  Like I said, you get acclimated to it, and it does take a while.  
I've lived here for 21+ years now, and at first it was pretty brutal to 
adjust to.  But now, it's still bothersome when at the extremes, but not 
too often really.

The funny part is that I grew up near the Canadian border, in Vermont.  
Talk about the complete opposite.  Extreme winters is an understatement.  
I did live in other places between then and now too.  When you live in a 
cold place for a while, you get adjusted to the cold, just like you get 
adjusted to the heat (eventually).  :-)

I will say that this summer we are getting close to completing is the 
hottest one I can remember here, no doubt.  It's actually been closer to 
100 degrees here for most of the last two months, and still humid.

... Do NOT look into laser with remaining eyeball.
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