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Message   Jas Hud    Shawn Highfield   COVID   September 5, 2023
 11:31 PM *  

  To: Shawn Highfield
  By: Shawn Highfield to Sean Dennis on Tue Sep 05 2023 06:32 am

 >  SD> I'll be taking it easy this week.
 > It's going around our work place.  Of course I was offered a promotion
 > (and accepted) for an office position right when this new variant hits. lol
 > Quite sure the guy I share an office with has covid, but he refuses to get
 > a test as he is afraid he won't be able to work. lol
 > Shawn

at my new job we have a guy who is starting to get it.
i think he's in the contagious faze where he just coughs a little and he's got
cold symptoms.  he's got that weird covid cough.
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