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Message   August Abolins    All   book: light bringer   August 10, 2023
 10:25 PM *  

Pierce Brown's New York Times bestselling Red Rising series  
continues in the thrilling sequel to Dark Age.

"The Reaper is a legend, more myth than man: the savior of
worlds, the leader of the Rising, the breaker of chains.

"But the Reaper is also Darrow, born of the red soil of Mars: a
husband, a father, a friend.

"Marooned far from home after a devastating defeat on the
battlefields of Mercury, Darrow longs to return to his wife and
sovereign, Virginia, to defend Mars from its bloodthirsty
would-be conqueror Lysander.

"Lysander longs to destroy the Rising and restore the supremacy
of Gold, and will raze the worlds to realize his ambitions.

"The worlds once needed the Reaper. But now they need Darrow,
and Darrow needs the people he loves-Virginia, Cassius, Sevro-
in order to defend the Republic.

"So begins Darrow's long voyage home, an interplanetary
adventure where old friends will reunite, new alliances will be
forged, and rivals will clash on the battlefield.

"Because Eo's dream is still alive-and after the dark age will
come a new age: of light, of victory, of hope.

ALSO.. a pretty cool artwork of a horse on the cover.

 Light Bringer: A Red Rising Novel | Hardcover

Pierce Brown

RED RISING (series)

Random House Worlds | Del Rey

Fiction / Science Fiction - Action & Adventure / Dystopian / Action & Adventure
Published Jul 25, 2023

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