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Message   candycane    August Abolins   Mixtapes   August 7, 2023
 2:35 AM *  

  Re: Mixtapes
  By: August Abolins to Arelor on Sun Aug 06 2023 08:43 pm

 AA> For me, I like the "surprise" element (never knowing which tune 
 AA> will be next). It keeps the listening experience fresh. I've 
 AA> simply grown tired of knowing what tune will be next on a 
 AA> favourite recording.

For more randomness, scramble the bits to get a unique ear bleed!
In all seriousness, I do agree BUT as someone whos Music folder is a unorganized
mess of downloaded youtube videos, sound effects, and a few ripped albums i
wouldn't trust randomizing it.

 AA> Yeah sure.. I would do that for a first-time recording. But 
 AA> then, I *can* seem to remember the favourite ones by title and 
 AA> refer to them at any time.

I sometimes have terrible memory when it comes to songs, so I would be checking
the booklet a lot. Thankfully, my cd player is broken and my albums are all
ripped :)

 AA> Is that on a 5-disc CD player or something? That would be 
 AA> tricky to identify unless one pays attention do the operating 
 AA> panel for Disc # and track # and take notes - which I would do.

Huh, I didn't know these existed.. 
Why would they have such a non-standard disk player tho? I'd think they would
use the built-in one or a cheap usb player off amazon.

 AA> Outch. That's kinda lazy for sure. There are resources like 
 AA> CDDB built into rippers that ought to solve that problem, but 
 AA> that requires being online at the time of rip.

Everything is always-online these days, and stuff like VLC is pretty good at
auto obtaining metadata from what I've heard.

 A>> I sincerely hope I am adopted.

 AA> :D



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