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Message   Sean Dennis    August Abolins   Re: Getting old   August 7, 2023
 12:27 AM *  

-=> August Abolins wrote to Sean Dennis <=-

 AA> I'm much older than that, but it's interesting that I don't
 AA> "feel" old inside.  Sure.. there are some increased limitations
 AA> with the physical body (such as getting up from the floor after
 AA> squatting down to check something on a lower shelf) ..but
 AA> otherwise only the visual view of the body shape is giveaway to
 AA> changes in age.

Being chronically ill, having two heart attacks, a deep vein thrombosis, and
two pulmonary embolisms end to accelerate things.  But I -am- feeling

 AA> PMFJI, but I don't have a problem with either modes of posting.
 AA> Sometimes a message reply is easier to read when the content is
 AA> right at the top and one doesn't have to scroll through the old
 AA> stuff first to read the new text.

When you've spend decades depening on email for business like I have, I've
learned top posting can be annoying.  A good article on why I dislike top

-- Sean

... "Sex at age 90 is like trying to shoot pool with a rope." - G. Burns
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