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Message   Nick Andre    Candycane   Re: Mixtapes   July 27, 2023
 7:42 PM *  

On 27 Jul 23  15:09:00, Candycane said the following to Arelor:

C> i mean i get that, i'd just be worried i would lose the booklet and stuff..
C> like to keep everything together

Thats the thing about records and CD's which streaming and Mp3's don't 
provide...  I love that tactile feeling of holding that album in my hands.  

I can copy my DVD collection to a streaming storage server and be "done" with
them, but my music and Hifi collection is something else. I spent a small 
fortune on it number one and number two, music really got me through some hard
times in life.

Theres "something" about setting that turntable needle gently down on some 
album, with the giant headphones on, in the dark... immersing ones self in
that album experience.

I cannot part with those things very easily, even as my sole next-of-kin
teenage daughter really shows no interest.


--- Renegade vY2Ka2
 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (618:500/24)
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