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Message   Kurt Weiske    Nick Andre   Re: Mixtapes   July 22, 2023
 11:47 AM *  

-=> Nick Andre wrote to All <=-

 NA> Okay... Grab a Maxell, TDK or Denon chrome-dioxide cassette. The
 NA> quality of cassette makes a huge difference. Avoid Basf and some other
 NA> brands. In this household, Maxell XL-II is king. Metal tapes are good
 NA> but expensive.

 TDK SAs, here. Or the MA-90s for those special albums...

 That was quite the walk down memory lane, but the other aspect of
 mixtapes was getting the right mix of music for that special someone.
 Since it wasn't random access, the recipent would listen to it in one
 sitting, hopefully.

 (continuity is something missing in CDs. People jump around, whereas we
 used to listen to LPs in one sitting, both sides. Ditto for
 cassettes. The music has a different meaning when it's designed to be
 listened to that way...)

... Feedback recordings into an acoustic situation
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